Fee Structure

Fee Schedule for the Year 2024 -25


Grade 5-O & A Levels

1st (July-September)

PKR 262,050-

2nd (October -December)

PKR 262,050-

3rd (Jan-March)

PKR 262,050/-

4th (April-June)

PKR 262,050/-

Total (Per Annum)

PKR 10,48,200/-

  • 10% Fee concession for 2nd Sibling and 5% for the third
  • 5 % off for full year fee payment.


Equestrian Club Membership Fee (Monthly) – Optional   4000/-

Charges at the time of Admission

Prospectus & Registration Fee (Non-Refundable)

PKR 7,300/-

Admission Fee (Non-Refundable)

PKR 50,000/-

Endowment Fund (Non-Refundable)

PKR 17,500/-

Development Fee (Non-Refundable)

PKR 17,500/-

Security Fee (Refundable)

PKR 171,700/

The Total Amount Payable at the time of Admission will Include Students Pocket Money and Books & Stationery as well as Fee for three months (Term Fee) *. Tentative amount 551,750/-

Conditions relating to unpaid fees, notice, deposits for overseas pupils, confidentiality and other matters may be obtained from the School on request. Parents/Guardians are notified of any changes in the fee structure.

Optional Expenses
It is the School’s policy to make the fees as inclusive as possible.  No extra charges are made, for instance, for games, or for travel to away matches.  Extras are confined to those things which are genuinely personal expenditure, or incurred optionally, such as clothing, shoes, stationery, and any books bought.

Fees in Advance
Please contact our Bursary for further information.

Scholarships and Bursaries

Chand Bagh School has a tradition of offering a wide range of generous scholarships. Please ask for details.

Mode of Payment

Payments can be made through Cash / Bank Draft / Pay order / Online / Internet Banking in favor of:

  • Account Number : 0136-1008448207
  • IBAN Number : PK67ALFH013001008448207 ( for international transaction)
  • Bank & address : Bank Alfalah Limited, G.T Road, Muridke.


  1. It is policy of the Chand Bagh Foundation to keep the School Fees as low as possible.
  2. However, the Fees may be increased without prior notice.
  3. Annual Fee covers expenses on account of tuition, boarding, food, games, remedial classes and others on Campus activities.
  4. Annual Fee does not cover the cost of uniform, books, stationery, pocket money, laundry, haircut, off Campus activities and medical expenses.
  5. Extra charges may be levied as appropriate to cover the cost of optional
  6. expedition, adventure training and any other extra-curricular and co- curricular activities.
  7. All Examination Fees are charged to the Parents / Guardians Accounts.
  8. In case of withdrawal, Fees for the month of withdrawal and for the month following shall be deducted.
  9. Parents / Guardians are urged to obtain medical / hospitalization insurance coverage for their boys / wards.
  10. If dues along with Late Fee Fine are not paid within two weeks of the expiry of due date, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls. However, the boy will remain eligible to apply for readmission after clearance of all previous dues.
  11. Once registered, a boy’s admission will depend upon his performance
  12. in the school’s entrance tests together with a certificate of good conduct from his previous educational institution.
  13. Security Deposit is not claimable after six months of leaving the School